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Supported C-Language Features

This section provides a summary of supported C language features pymwp can analyze. It also lists language features that are in the process of being implemented and for which implementation is planned.

Note on C file parsing

pymwp uses pycparser to process the C input file. Any limitation of pycparser is also a limitation in pymwp. From pycparser website: "pycparser aims to support the full C99 language (according to the standard ISO/IEC 9899). Some features from C11 are also supported."

Analysis will bypass any unsupported statement and raises a warning.


🟩   ready — fully implemented and ready to use

🟧   in progress — implementation is in progress but not ready

⬜   planned — implementation is in a planning stage

Description State Example
Basic data types
Integer types (incl. signed, unsigned) 🟩 char, short, int, long, long long
Floating point types 🟩 float, double, long double
Variable declarations 🟩 int x;
Constant declarations 🟩 const int x;
Arithmetic operations
Unary operations 🟧 -x, --x, x++, ...
Binary operations (\(+, \times, -\)) 🟩 x = y + z
\(n\)-ary operation 🟧 x = y + z * w
Compound assignment operators ⬜ x += 1
Conditional statements
if statement 🟩 if(x > 0) { ... }
if-else statement 🟩 if(x > 0) { ... } else { ... }
nested conditional 🟩 if(x > 0) { if (y > 0) { ... } }
Repetition statements
while loop 🟩 while(x < 20) { ... }
for loop 🟧 for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { ... }
Functions 🟧
Pointers ⬜
Arrays ⬜
Header Files Inclusion 🟩
Comments (single-line, delimited) 🟩 // comment, /* comment */